Knockin' on Heaven's Door

"Knockin' on Heaven's Door" is a musical fantasy by PETR GLAVATSKIKH with the participation of the Japanese drum ensemble MIYABI-TAIKO and the folklore ensemble KOMON. Music as a sword, as a way to break the heavenly silence, to appeal directly to the center of the universe has always excited humanity. This is what connects countries and times, traditions and styles. Traditional Japanese Taiko drums, Russian folklore and modern academic music are perceived in this composition as a single whole. The amplitude of movement fluctuates from the hurricane of drums to the heartfelt chants of the southern regions of Russia and, perhaps, this is the very mysterious code of the Russian Soul.

"When I first heard Japanese drums, I thought, knockin' on heaven's door - that's exactly it," says Petr, the author, producer of the project and composer, who wrote several pieces for this event. The voices of the KOMON ensemble make the message to heaven more precise. There have been no such experiments on the serious stage before. It is difficult to find musicians who, on the one hand, are rooted in tradition, and on the other, are well versed in contemporary music and are always ready to experiment. The strength of the “Knockin’ on Heaven’s Door” project is in the effect of the closeness of the native and the absence of distance, which arises from the fact that, on the one hand, the rhythmic plots of Taiko are based on the foundations of universal music, they can be heard in all musical traditions of the globe. Native Russian folklore is still recognizable to each of us in one way or another.

 The program includes: traditional Taiko rhythms, folklore of the southern regions of Russia, compositions by E. Denisov, E. Thomas, K. Abe, P. Glavatskikh