Tribute to Xenakis

Diaghilev Festival Event - CONCERT OF PETR GLAVATSKIKH "TRIBUTE TO YANIS XENAKIS". Yannis Xenakis is a composer, mathematician and architect, one of the most important creators of the second half of the 20th century, whose 100th anniversary is celebrated this year. The history of mankind through the prism of percussion instruments has never been so rhythmic and musical. The performance of the music of the 20th century avant-garde classic Iannis Xenakis on drums designed especially for Glavatskikh the clarity of the rhythmic lines of the great Greek emphasizes the coincidence of time and place. Contrary to the popular image, Xenakis was not a dry, abstract mathematician, but a man of strong character and dramatic fate. A member of the Resistance movement in WWII, he lost an eye after being hit by shrapnel in a street fight and was forced to flee the country using forged documents, after which he lived for 20 years as a person sentenced to death in absentia in his homeland. The numerical calculations that underlie many of his works are, among other things, an attempt to introduce great emotions into the framework of art, to bring order to the internal chaos.